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She's got pretty brown eyes, and she's in mint condition

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I want flowers.

Just once, I want to receive flowers, for no reason. They don't even have to be roses. Or, it could be just one single rose. Just one time. I want to feel appreciated. I know I'm not perfect, and I can be mean and I'm a bitch. I know I'm not always pretty and I have my flaws. But, once, just one time, I want everything I put up with and have been through to be acknowledged and appreciated. You can buy one single rose for $1.99 at Cumberland farms. For under two bucks, you could make me feel wanted, appreciated, and special. Just knowing that one single flower one time, just once, would make me happy and bright, but it's still so hard to do. A girl can dream. 

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